Pearls for Practice® Course 7: Medication Adherence

Pearls for Practice® Course 7: Medication Adherence

Why is this Program important to you? 

This is an article in the Core Entrustables in Clinical Pharmacology series that reviews medication adherence and is offered as a teaching aid for medical students and residents.

Target Audience:

4th year medical/pharmacy students. In addition, students of graduate and professional doctorate programs.


Course 7: Medication Adherence-Article
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource.
Course 7: Medication Adherence-Lecture
Open to view video.  |  13 minutes
Open to view video.  |  13 minutes
Course 7: Medication Adherence - Post-Test
3 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  1/3 points to pass
3 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  1/3 points to pass
Course 7: Medication Adherence -Evaluation
2 Questions
Pearls for Practice®-Credits Earned
1.00 Pearls for Practice®-Electronic Badge credit  |  No certificate available
1.00 Pearls for Practice®-Electronic Badge credit  |  No certificate available